Success Stories

  • My husband and I are both very grateful for the care we received from Dr. Jackson at MABNR for head injuries caused by two separate motor vehicle accidents. Dr. Jackson is well trained and experienced. He is extremely patient, kind, and understanding and takes the time to explain everything in detail.

    From my research, I have found that this is the only place in the DMV area where you can receive this type of care. It is non-invasive, drug-free, painless and effective. This type of functional neurology allowed both of us to experience substantial positive results after just one week of treatments.

    This is the first and only review I have ever made online and we are both so impressed that I would highly recommend MABNR to anyone in the DMV area (or even anywhere else in the country). For example, we traveled for close to one hour to get there and back home and would not have even considered going anywhere else even though we had to travel so far to get there.

    - JH and JH
  • He was able to figure out my problem in an hour while other specialists I’ve seen haven’t been able been able to determine my problem after years of visits. Very warm and friendly office staff and I highly recommend this office.

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  • Danny Lane has insight into my condition that others have not and is using well thought out techniques in my treatment as well as his heartfelt desire to understand and help others!

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  • Awesome!!! Dr. Lane is a miracle worker. And the staff is always friendly and helpful.

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  • Dr. Lane gave me back my quality of life after being told by other doctors, “just deal with it you won’t get better only worse.” After Dr. Lane looked me in the eye and said, “I cannot get your hearing back but I CAN get your balance back” I knew I was at the right place. It’s been over two years now and I still have my balance!!

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  • Dr. Lane and his talented staff have helped me rebuild my life from the effects of chronic illness. I’ve regained both physical and cognitive capacities that have helped boost my confidence in both personal and professional aspects of my life.

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  • I have been searching for help for over year and Dr. Lane has not only show me evidence that I can be helped but said that he has found what’s wrong and has a solution! I’m very grateful!

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  • Professional, knowledgeable, caring: these traits refer to the doctors and the staff. The office atmosphere is uplifting and therapeutic, Dr. Lane is always willing to continue to try to find solutions, while maintaining the balance between hope and reality. His honesty is refreshing.

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  • I received a phone call from my son’s school saying that I should come get him. He was acting different and his amazing teachers knew something was wrong. They told me he was “twitching and ticking”. They had never seen him do this before and to be honest neither did my husband or I. I took him to the pediatrician’s office that day and they did an examination. I was told it could be Tourette’s or P.A.N.D.A.S. but to give it a week or so and bring him back for a follow up. We took him home that night and his “ticks” became worse. How did this happen? We couldn’t believe that it came on so quickly. Thankfully I had heard of Connections and I called and they were able to see us pretty quickly. After Dr. Jackson had a consultation with my husband and I, he said that he would like to see our son and they were able to get in him in within the week. Dr. Jackson said that he would know within 15 minutes whether or not he would be able to help him. THANK GOD that he said he could. It was not P.A.N.D.A.S. or Tourette’s but an inner ear problem. Really???? It was AMAZING to watch him work on our son. By the first week of therapy with Dr. Jackson and his team, our son’s twitching and ticks had decreased. Our son was so happy because he was feeling better, the headaches stopped and most importantly the ticks were getting better. Within 3 months of therapy my sons ticks and twitching went from roughly 25 ticks a minutes to one or two a minute. Words cannot describe how thankful we are for Dr. Jackson. From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU SO MUCH!

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  • Aley suffered from constant headaches and focus issues for a year after receiving a concussion in her sporting event. After seeing multiple medical professionals the only options presented to us were medications for the headaches and ADHD medication for the attention and focus issues. We were blessed to casually run into Dr. Jackson. After therapy with Dr. Jackson, Aley is now headache free and has no issues with focusing. Her processing and reaction time have also improved greatly!

    - Teenager, Post Concussion
  • Here is what we have seen in Sarah since June 2012: Improved balance and coordination – can now walk the entire driveway without holding onto my hand.

    Greatly improved vision. Sarah could not match anything accurately before – the items were beside, under, “close by” but never matched right on top.


    - 18 year old with Cerebral Palsy and Autism
  • I've been treated by Dr. Daniel Lane for going on 2 years. I spent a career in the army as a ranger and parachutist, and my body had accumulated a lot physical trauma characteristic of a soldier's life. I arrived on Dr. Lane's doorstep nearly unable to walk- hunched over, listening hard to the left, andshuffling- in what I call my pretzel look. I had recently sustained a fall, and of course my alpha-male "I can do anything around the house and yard" attitude combined with years of back and neck problems seemed to all catch up with me at once.

    On my first visit, Dr. Lane survived the many questions I threw at him; part of my effort to expose the flaws I knew must have existed. Fortunately for me, he acquainted himself not only with an impressive examination, but also with displays of concern, patience, and the ability to listen- all attributes missing on the resumes of most M.D. I've had the misfortune to know. With only a clinical evaluation, Dr. Lanesaid I had one of the worst double- herniated (L4/L5) set of disks he'd come across. The diagnosis was for a 50% improvement over the next month with 3 treatments a week. Since, I knew I couldn't work, I decided to stay in Salisbury with my parents (I live in N. Virginia), and see Dr. Lane everyday for two weeks (minus weekends).

    During my first treatment, he discovered 6 places in my back that were unstable. He couldn't adjust some sections until others had stabilized. But, since I wasn't working, I could devote myself to doing all he asked, progressing from various treatments in the office to very limited exercising after about 4 sessions. After two weeks, I had improved to an estimated 75% improvement-far beyond either of our expectations. I returned to work at half-days for another week, and then back full time. Despite a fewset backs, I followed Dr. Lane's orders for exercising and gradually returned to a mostly normal life.

    In the beginning, serving up my body for uncomfortable treatments wasn't easy. But, I realized soon, that if I simply trusted Dr. Lane, the treatments were easier, and I never left his office without feeling measurably better when I entered. A few times in the first few months, when I had a specific place that bothered me, I wouldn't tell him. His magical hands would find the spot every time; he's say, "ah, there it is," and adjust the discomfort away. After doing this several times, I told him I'd been testing his abilities and we both had a good laugh. He continues to pass the test every month when my wife and I come for treatment.

    I am convinced that Dr. Lane has a special gift that separates him from others in his field- what I call "magical hands." Despite the layers of clothes hiding the trouble spots, he identifies key trouble spots and adjusts the anatomy back into position. Now, through routine visits, I am able to maintain a quality of life I was sure I had lost. Even though it means travelling from the D.C. area periodically, it is always worth the effort.

    - Jack S.
  • Dear Dr. Lane-

    I don't know how to express my gratitude to you, not only for the obvious- making me feel less like and old woman!- but more for the genuine concern and caring you have shown for me and my family. I know I have said it before, but it bears repeatingTHANK YOU- for having the most wonderful and amazing office staff.

    THANK YOU- for treating me with the patience and respect, and for giving me the benefit of the doubt.

    THANK YOU- for understanding that cumulative effects of ever day life can wreak almost as much havoc on the body as a traumatic injury, and for telling your patients that we shouldn't just "suck it up."

    I have only seen Dr. Brown so far, but better the two of you I feel like a new person. Thank you so much!

    - Tara M.
  • Working with MABNR is giving me both improved health and confidence. I am glad I found them and highly recommend their professional and friendly services. I have two brain doctors: one for my chronic, degenerative neurological condition (spinocerebellar ataxia type 8) and another for a crisis such as a stroke. This review is for my “chronic doctor,” Brice Jackson, DC, and his staff at the Mid-Atlantic Brain and Neurological Rehabilitation center in Silver Spring, Maryland.

    When I started with MABNR in August 2017, my feet tangled up frequently as I walked. In the previous four years I had broken a hip, wrist, and elbow—three separate falls—because of tripping. They evaluated me and were able to pinpoint the parts of my brain causing the gait problem. Then they developed a set of office and home exercises that slowly began to correct my wobbly walking. Every 6 weeks they retest me and tweak the exercises. During one early office visit, Dr. Daniel Lane (Dr. Jackson’s colleague), watched me walk and did some quick tests. After a few minutes he told the therapist, Sarah Biederman, that I should be tested for spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA). The amazing result from a genetic testing company was that I have SCA8, an inherited mutation. There is no cure (yet), but I am able to slow down the progression with MABNR’s help. The office manager, Kesha R., keeps my schedule and bills on track with a smile. It was a great relief to finally have a specific, provable diagnosis. I have a new hobby: looking on the internet for researchers who are working on a cure for SCA8.

    - Lucy M.
  • I have been bringing my son for therapy for one month. Very professional and courteous office staff. Both doctors and the OT have a great bed-side manner. I am very pleased with their services and would recommend them for anyone with a hemispheric weakness.

    - Dionne H.
  • Completing over 3 months of therapy has made a huge difference in my moms recovery from suffering a stroke. She continues to improve each week and everyone notices progress on a weekly basis. We would highly recommend treatment. The entire staff is a joy to work with.

    - Christy K.

Mid-Atlantic Brain and Neurological Rehabilitation

Hours of Operation


8:30 am - 7:30 pm


8:30 am - 6:00 pm


8:30 am - 7:30 pm


8:30 am - 6:00 pm


8:30 am - 8:00 pm





8:30 am - 7:30 pm
8:30 am - 6:00 pm
8:30 am - 7:30 pm
8:30 am - 6:00 pm
8:30 am - 8:00 pm